
Sculptra, known as the liquid lift or nonsurgical facelift, is a natural injectable with biostimulating properties. Sculptra is one of the best dermal injection treatments that addresses the root of the problem, being lack of collagen and loss of volume in supporting tissues under the skin. Collagen is a key structural component that keeps skin youthful looking and smooth. As you age, your body’s collagen production decreases, and you may begin to see wrinkles.

Sculptra works within the deep dermis to replace lost collagen by targeting the underlying sources of facial aging. Sculptra actually stimulates a patient’s own collagen response. It is the patient’s own collagen that provides the patient’s long term result by improving contours and wrinkles.

Frequency of Treatment

We recommend 3 treatments over a few months to start, then every 2-5 years for maintenance.  Average treatment consists of 2-3 vials.


Registered Nurse or Physician Assistant.


$1350 for 2 vials

Frequency of Treatment

We recommend 3 treatments over a few months to start, then every 2-5 years for maintenance.  Average treatment consists of 2-3 vials.


Registered Nurse or Physician Assistant.


$1350 for 2 vials

Sculptra can be used to treat overall volume loss in:
• Sunken areas such as cheeks and temples
• Dark under eye circles (lid cheek junction)
• Sagging jawlines
• Deep folds between the nose and the mouth (nasolabial folds or smile lines)
• Chin wrinkles
• Other areas of the body with thin skin, lines, and wrinkles

Sculptra. Collagen Builder. Sculptra sale.

Is Sculptra painful?

Sculptra is very easy to tolerate and the least painful of any of the dermal fillers due to its liquid form and the fact that it is combined with a numbing agent (lidocaine). We use a topical numbing cream on all Sculptra patients to alleviate any discomfort felt during the treatment.

How many Sculptra treatments are needed?

Typically, three treatment sessions are needed over a few months. The treatments are scheduled four to six weeks apart as your body gradually develops new collagen fibers. Studies have shown patients who have received Sculptra injections still have more collagen after three years after their procedure as compared to the average of their age group. This speaks to the longevity of Sculptra treatments and the benefit of building your new collagen within the skin. Your collagen is yours! Once you have achieved optimal overall correction, maintenance treatments can be done every two to five years or as needed to continue replenishing your collagen.

A good rule of thumb with Sculptra is one vial per decade, and Sculptra can be used for prejuvenation to prevent collagen loss and maintain the collagen you have. Scultpra can be started in your 20s or 30s to prevent the need for more aggressive correction later in life.

Is there any downtime?

After treatment, there could be some minor redness, bruising, or swelling. These are very normal side effects of the Sculptra treatment. If these do occur, they generally go away within a day.

What can I expect after my Sculptra treatment?

Immediately after your treatment you will notice plumping in the area where the injections took place, this is just a combination of the water mixed with the poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and swelling. This effect will subside within a few days as the product begins to integrate. You may experience slight redness, tenderness, and bruising, as with any injectable treatment; this typically only lasts for a few days depending on how you heal. Minimize bruising and swelling by avoiding heat, strenuous exercise, and alcohol for 48 hours.

During the first five days post-Sculptra injections, your provider will ask you to massage the areas of the face using the rule of five (5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days). This gentle self-massage will help the particles distribute evenly and reduce the chances of lumps of product forming.

How long does Sculptra last?

Results appear gradually over a few months and are long-lasting, more than two years. Since the aging process continues, we recommend maintaining your results with additional treatments as needed.

• It is best to avoid the use of medications or supplements that have anti-inflammatory properties at least 1 week as they will increase the risk of bruising 
• Avoid alcoholic beverages 24 hours before or after treatment as this can also increase your risk of bruising
• You may take Arnica tablets 1-3 days prior to treatment to decrease risk of bruising 
• Do not receive this treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
• Dental work (including a cleaning) should be done at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after injections

• Massage the area for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days after treatment. We refer to this as the “5-5-5” rule
• You make take Advil or Tylenol for any discomfort you may experience. There may be redness and swelling up to 7 days after treatment
• Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours to reduce bruising
• Avoid laser treatments and/or skin tightening treatments for 2-3 weeks after treatment
• Avoid applying any makeup until 24 hours after injections
• Next appointment will be in 4-6 weeks. Results are typically seen within 60-90 days after completing initial treatment 

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