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bbl photo facial. laser resurfacing. SkynnGen Med Spa. Medical Spa. lasers. injectables.

The Forever Young BBL photo-facial is a non-invasive way to address a wide variety of skin issues. Patients who have sun damage, redness, fine lines, and other skin imperfections often choose this cutting-edge option.

Sciton’s Forever Young BBL light therapy improves your skin’s texture, tone, elasticity, and pigmentation. It reverses the damage done to your skin as a result of sustained sun exposure and the aging process.

The PhotoFacial/BBL (BroadBand Light) is used to minimize the appearance of:

• Sun damage and brown spots
• Red spots and hemangiomas
• Facial veins
• Redness, flushing, and rosacea
• Scars and stretch marks
• Wrinkles and fine lines
• Skin tightening and firming
• Skin rejuvenation
• Acne and acne scars
• Enlarged pores

BBL Hero laser facial. Photo light facial. Skin resurfacing. Laser Facial. Forever Young. Rosacea. Fine lines. wrinkles. sun damage. brown spots. Medical spa Greenwood Village. BBL Results. BBL Cost.

Frequently Asked Questions

The BBL Hero PhotoFacial treatment by Sciton is not like older skin-rejuvenation techniques, which only allowed for application on certain areas. Instead, it can treat damaged skin on any part of the body. You can rejuvenate your face, neck, decollate, arms, legs, back, abdomen and more.

During the process, you will be wearing protective eyewear. The skin of the treatment region will be targeted with light energy, which is administered with the help of a handpiece.
A treatment session lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour depending on the area of the body being treated. A topical anesthetic may be used in certain areas but is often not necessary. Aside from a warm sensation felt as a result of the BBL pulses, the service is pain-free.

The amount of BBL treatments will vary by patient depending on the severity of the conditions being treated and the desired results. Typically, we recommend a series of treatments.

Since it is non-invasive, there is absolutely no downtime or recovery period required when you choose to have the Forever Young BBL treatment performed. You can return to your daily routine the moment you walk out of the office, and patients often get the treatment during their lunch break before going back to work. Because of this, it is known as a lunchtime treatment.

Candidates for BBL Hero rarely report any side effects. The skin anomalies treated darken and flake off within a couple of weeks, leaving your skin looking brighter and younger.

Costs vary depending on the area(s) treated per session. For an accurate quote and to see if a BBL Hero PhotoFacial is the best option for you, please call or text our office for a FREE CONSULTATION.