Permanent Makeup

Natural Looking Permanent Makeup can enhance your unique beauty, perfect any imperfections.

Have you ever wished you didn’t have to take the time to put on makeup every morning?  Or wished the contour of your lips was just a little fuller or your thinning brows had more defined shape were a bit more dramatic?  If so, then permanent makeup might be for you!

Permanent makeup really is the ultimate convenience!! You can start every day with confidence knowing that your makeup always looks perfect and it will stay that way, all day! It is low-maintenance, saves you time, simplifies your life, and is a great option for anyone wanting to look and feel their best without having to devote a lot of time to doing so.

Permanent makeup is the perfect solution for the active Colorado lifestyle. You can ski, hike, bike, or run and so much more and look polished all the time.

Frequency of Treatment

Initial appointment.  Touch up about 6-8 weeks later, then as needed.


Licensed Esthetician


$350 +

Frequency of Treatment

Initial appointment.  Touch up about 6-8 weeks later.  


Licensed Esthetician


$99 +

Permanent makeup is affordable, lasts for years, and looks natural.

Experience effortless beauty.

Save time.

Enjoy the ultimate convenience.

Permanent makeup. med spa. medical spa. facials.

Permanent Makeup Offerings

Permanent makeup. med spa. medical spa. facials.

Great Eyebrows are Everything!

Eyebrows are one of the most important features of your face. They frame your face, balance your features, and define your eyes. As you age, a strong and well-defined brow can almost act as a nonsurgical eye lift.

Fine hair strokes etched gently into the skin to create a natural hair look. You can also combine a shadow/solid technique to boost thinning brows. All is tailored to your skin tone and facial structure. And will be discussed prior to application.

Permanent makeup. med spa. medical spa. facials.

Perfect for the active Colorado lifestyle.

Permanent eyeliner creates the look of fuller lashes and enhances the eyes without a time-consuming application every morning. No more smudged or faded liner!

Achieve a natural eyeliner look without the use of a tattoo gun. Little to no downtime.

Permanent makeup. med spa. medical spa. facials.

For color that always stays in place.

This procedure is great for those who have lost their natural lip line. Gives a boost of color and definition leaving a natural lip color (not a lipstick look)

Your lips can look fuller and more supple. Our application redefines the shape of the lip for a natural and youthful appearance that helps build confidence and self-assuredness.

Multiple appts may be required to achieve deeper color enhancement.

What is the difference between Powder Brows and Micro-Blading?

The difference between the powder brow and micro blading is the powder brow is more solid, completely filled in, but still very natural looking and the micro blading is individual hair strokes so the combo is when I fill it in solid and then add hair strokes throughout

Who is a candidate for permanent makeup?

Most people are a good candidate for Permanent Makeup whether they get it done to save time, the convenience of it, or even those who are visually impaired or have a hard time applying make up. Clients using blood, thinners, certain heart conditions, steroids, and/or the use of other medication‘s can be a contraindication. It’s best to fill out the medical questionnaire, thoroughly to make sure the procedure is the right thing for you.

How long does permanent makeup last?

Permanent Makeup is considered semi permanent. Consistent skin care, Use of sunscreen, and properly following aftercare is crucial to making your Permanent Makeup last. Part of receiving Permanent Makeup is committing to receiving yearly touch ups on average but it ranges between six months to two years.

Is the lip tattoo just the liner or the entire lip?

Lip blushing is for the entire lip. In some cases, lip liner only can be done, but to get the full effect it’s best to fill in the entire area. It’s also not made to be a lipstick look. Lip blushing is great for lips that have lost their natural color and shape and is very subtle and natural looking.

Is Softap the same as a tattoo gun?

Softap is a brand and also technique of Permanent Cosmetics. It is done by hand using a tool that gently taps pigment under the skin. It has a reputation for being more safe and natural looking then using a tattoo gun. Everything used in a soft tap procedure is disposable, no reuse of needles, or sterilizing needed.

  • Please arrive eyebrow make-up free appointment.
  • Please bring eyeglasses if you wear contact lenses, to all appointments. You must wear eyeglasses for 3 days post procedure for all eyeliner procedures. Then you can wear your contact lenses. Must be clean or new!
  • All professional tweezing, waxing or tinting of eyebrow hairs should be done 48 hours prior to procedure. Please avoid any depilatory or bleaching agents on your lips pre and post lip tattooing. If you wear fake eye lashes you cannot wear them pre, during or post procedure. You can get them put back on 14 days after touch up.
  • It is not a bad idea to have a ride home after an eyeliner procedure if client is light sensitive.
  • Please do not book an appointment before any major events, like a vacation, social event, or wedding.
  • Please only use clean or new mascara, makeup or lipstick after all procedures. It is important to not be exposed to bacteria. This can cause a secondary infection.
  • It is important to not have sunburn prior to and after any procedures. This includes tanning beds.
  • All clients must be off Retin A, Renova, & Eyelash growth serums 30 days prior to all procedures. Clients must be off Accutane for one year, prior to all procedures.
  • Please avoid any alcohol 48 hours prior to all procedures. We will not recommend any medications for a client to take to, control discomfort. If you feel the need to self medicate, you must have proof of a ride home. A dental block is not recommended  prior to lip tattooing.
  • If a client has ever had (even if years ago) a fever blister, cold sore, shingles or chicken pox, it is recommended you obtain a prescribed anti viral medication from your doctor or dentist. Fever blisters are very common as a side effect of lip tattooing. For healthy lip tissue it is not a bad idea to pre-moisten lips by first exfoliating lightly with a new soft toothbrush and applying a healing ointment like Recoveral. You can get this from us or buy an over the counter product like Aquaphor.
Try to avoid the following things unless medically needed prior to all procedures.
  • Aspirin or similar products
  • If you have any condition that requires you to take antibiotics prior to going to the dentist, it is a good idea to do the same prior to all tattoo work.

Eyes may be swollen and tender for a few days. This is normal and will dissipate quickly. Itching is also common. An ice pack protected with a wet barrier film of a paper towel can very nice. Please do not ice for more than 10 minutes at a time. Icing is most effective, the first 24 hours. Sleeping slightly elevated can also reduce any residual swelling of eyes. The most swelling is usually an issue the following morning after your procedure. You may soil your pillowcase with some residual pigment on eyes.

In the morning if eyes are stuck together, use a wet Q-tip and gently separate. Do not rub. peel or pick. Keep the area clean and only use the after care given for 3 to 4 days. Apply once in the am and once in pm. Use a fresh Q-tip for every application. Do not let the eyeliner become dry in the first 72 hours.

Avoid sun, pools, hot tubs and all creams around eye area. Eyes heal very well. However, they are exposed to the possibility of a secondary infection like conjunctivitis. If ointment is a problem, please do not use and rinse with buffered eyewash and seek medical attention for an antibiotic eye drop. Eyes are sensitive to pet dander, gardening, dust and dirty hands. Sunglasses add wonderful protection to sun. Please use a new tube of mascara after each procedure. Do not wear makeup for 72 hours post.

Eyebrow After Care

Please apply after care ointment supplied, for 5 to 7 days. Do not let the brows get dry and crusty. Some swelling, redness or itching is normal and to be expected. Only apply ointment twice a day with a clean Q-tip. Only a small amount is needed to occlude the eyebrow area. Keep clean and avoid sun, pools, direct water pressure. Do not pick or rub the area. Brows will oxidize and get darker before they soften in healing. This is normal! Do not wear any makeup for 72 hours on brow area.

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